A disorganized linen closet is more than just an eyesore. When you have guests over, it can be hard to find sheets that match, look for missing hand towels, or flip a blanket pyramid to find the softest pillow. And if you have a small linen closet, you have even more motivation to tidy up. Adding things like labeled storage baskets, pretty vases, and books will make your closet both more useful and appealing to the eye.
Each member of the Roze team had to organize different linen closets. Some linen closets had only linen, and some had only towels. Other linen closets contained a combination of both linen and towels. That is not the only difference that can be found in a linen closet. A linen closet can have rolled linen and/or towels. The towels and/or linen can be folded into a flat square. Let’s not forget how differently fitted sheets may be folded.

Save yourself the worry and the mess by organizing your linen closet with the simple techniques suggested below.
Alternative Storage Methods
Storage containers are necessary for closet organization, but they don’t have to be unsightly. Consider some more appealing options, such as woven or wicker baskets. Because you can arrange linens next to attractive bins and swap sides on each shelf for a clean look, this is an especially good option for skinny linen closets.
Utilize What You Have
Buying matching storage boxes to make a neat space is an option and does not have to be expensive. Instead, look through your house for any unused cubbies, crates, or similar items. To achieve a clean, yet varied look, store your linens in stacks and groups with spaces between them.

Incorporate Decoration
Small linen closets may be limited in capacity, but they are not limited in style. Decorate your closet with hardcover books and china dishes. Find the happy medium between attractive and functional.
For the neatest closet, choose a simple pair of similar storage containers and labels. Neat by Meg’s linen closet design is as minimalistic and harmonious as they come.
Fabrics in Rolls
When it comes to organization, a little change in habit can sometimes make all the difference. Rather than stacking your sheets, towels, and blankets, consider rolling them. This simple tip will improve the appearance of your linen closet.
Strive for Neutrals
Another simple approach to avoid a cluttered closet is to keep your color pallet muted. Stick to neutral tones like grays and whites. Wicker and rattan are natural materials that will compliment the soothing vibe.
Linens Should be Sorted and Stacked
If you have a large selection of blankets, sheets, pillows, and towels, organize and stack them by type. Organizing everything from hand towels to pillowcases into groups makes things easier to find and makes your closet less prone to mishaps.
Consider Use Frequency
Don’t just fold and stow your linens while reorganizing your linen closet. Consider which linens you use the most and organize them accordingly. Towels and sheets, for example, can be stored at the front, central portion of your closet, making them easy to retrieve.
Leave Breathing Space
Just because your linen closet has extra space doesn’t mean you should fill it. When you start reorganizing, make sure you’re getting rid of or giving away goods you don’t use. Make an effort to add some negative space to your design.
Consider that Sheets are Stored in Sets
Keep whole sets of linens and pillowcases together if you have them to store. When a visitor comes, it’s easy to grab a stack of papers so you don’t have to look for what you need. Do the same with towels, arranging them in sets of face cloths, hand towels, and bath towels if desired.
Liquid Products Should be Stored in Plastic Bins
Concerned about spills and stains from shampoo bottles and cough syrups that have been stored? A set of translucent, plastic cubbies could be useful. Not only will these be easy to clean if there is a spill, but the clear exterior will make it easy to find what you need quickly.
Insert Vertical Dividers

This idea will involve a bit more effort, but adding vertical dividers to your linen closet shelves will help you create a more organized storage system. Separated by a fresh space in this closet, the stacks of white and gray towels look even cleaner.
Combine and Contrast
Don’t be scared to experiment with closet organization. Some homeowners may prefer a simple design with coordinating containers and labels. Stacks of mismatched towels and linens may be more enticing to others. Experiment with different alternatives and, according to your preferences, make a choice.
Groups Should be Limited to Twos and Threes
Interior designers often say to put things in groups of two or three, and you can use this idea for your own organizational plan as well. When organizing linens, try to sort them into small groups, such as three rolled towels and two stacked pillows.
Pillows Should be Arranged Vertically
Another simple modification you can make to your storage system is to arrange pillows vertically rather than stacking them. This will not only give some variety to your organizing, but it will also keep you from collapsing a pillow tower in your search for one.
Avoid Overthinking It

Creating and keeping a well-organized linen closet does not have to be difficult. Simple strategies like arranging objects in sets of two or three and using a neutral color palette will help you clear up and reduce clutter. Allow yourself to use the ideas that make the most sense for you and your environment while discarding those that don’t. Creating a neat and organized linen closet is a way to declutter, create less stress, and achieve a less chaotic atmosphere in a home. If you do not like the way your linen closet is organized at the moment, you can find another way to store linen and towels in a small linen closet by re-reading this article.